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Old mosquito net cloth

This cloth is old mosquito nets that have been disassembled. It is believed to be from the early Showa period. It is a mixture of hemp and cotton. It is relatively well preserved and has a beautiful aged atmosphere. It is a versatile size that can be used as a curtain, a blindfold, as a partition between spaces, or as a matting cloth.





Number   /   0204


Price   /   4,400 yen (1pcs.)


Size   /   about H1750 W330 mm


Country   /   Japan


Period   /   20c


Price is for 1 piece. We have several in stock, so please let us know how many you need.

Color and texture may vary from piece to piece. There are some inconspicuous stains due to age. Please contact us if you have any concerns about the condition.




※ Country and period are estimates.

※ 国や時代表記は推定です



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